Docker🐬 Dreams💭-1

Hi friends🙋‍♂️ welcome back to Blogs-with-Achu, we have started the Docker🐬 Learning series, In my previous Blog⏮️ we saw about how to install docker on our local system and we saw some basic docker commands. Today’s blog agenda: Understanding Docker Images and Containers😎 Unleashing the Power of Docker💪 Discover Dockerhub: An Abundance of Useful Resources💫 Working with Docker Images and Containers: Real-Life Examples⚒️ What’s Next in our Docker Journey?⏭️ Conclusion🏁...

7 min · Achanandhi M

Docker🐬 Dreams💭-0

Hi friends, welcome back to Blogs-with-Achu, we have started the Docker🐬 Learning series, In my previous Blog⏮️ we saw Introduction to Docker and containers, Today in this blog we are Going to see Docker installation and working with some basic Docker commands. Today blog’s is all about : Docker Installation🏠 Docker Desktop💻 Alternative method-Sandbox☁️ Check Docker is Installed🫡 Basic Docker Commands💥 What’s Next⏭️ Quiz🧾 Conclusion.🏁 Docker Installation🏠.. For working with docker, we need to first install docker in our local system💻....

3 min · Achanandhi M

Docker🐬 Dreams💭

Hi friends, welcome back to Blogs-with-Achu, we have started the Docker Learning series, In my previous Blog we have seen about Container, Today in this blog we are Going to see Docker, Yes you heard that right?😉 According to Stack Overflow Survey-2020, Docker is the #1 most wanted platform,#2 most loved platform, and #3 most popular platform. In Today’s Blog: Introduction to Docker🙂 Difference between Container and Docker💫 Docker Architecture🏗️...

3 min · Achanandhi M

Exploring 🐬the World of Containers

Use Container for deployment Hi friends, welcome back to Blogs-with-Achu! In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, containers have emerged as a powerful software development and deployment solution. If you’re interested in learning containerization, you don’t need any specific prerequisites.😁 In Today’s Blog: What is Container?🤔 Why it is so popular?🤔 Is VM?☠️ Containerization Technology💻 Summary🏁 **What is Container?**🤔 A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another....

3 min · Achanandhi M

Must-Watch YouTube Channels That Will Blow Your Mind

Hi friends, welcome back to Blogs-with-Achu! In my previous blog, we delved into the remarkable world of freeCodeCamp and their extraordinary free courses. Their efforts are truly commendable! Now, in today’s exciting blog, I am thrilled to present to you a curated selection of additional YouTube channels that are bound to enhance your study experience. Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey of knowledge! Before we dive in, let me make it clear that what I’m about to share is not promotional in any way....

5 min · Achanandhi M

Learn, Practice, and Succeed-freeCodeCamp

Hi friends, welcome back to Blogs-with-Achu. In this blog, we are going to see how we can learn Computer science concepts, programming language and leading cutting edge technology related to Computer Science for absolutely free. There are many communities that are providing free courses for learning computer science concepts along with certificates. The communities which I suggested below are based on my opinion. I am currently using these communities for upskills my skills....

2 min · Achanandhi M

The Art of Coding

Hi friends, welcome back to Blogs-with-Achu. In my previous blog👈, I mentioned how you can use AI 🤖to upskill, and I also showcased some examples of how you can use ChatGpt for learning📖 Have you ever wondered🤔 how these technologies are developed and which programming language is used to build them? In today’s blog, we will explore the programming languages that underpin these cutting-edge innovations. In Today’s Blog: What is a programming language why it is needed?...

3 min · Achanandhi M

Magic of ChatGpt

Hi friends, welcome back to Blogs-with-Achu. I believe we are currently experiencing the next revolution ➡️ the AI 🤖Revolution. The excitement surrounding AI has escalated significantly following the release of ChatGpt by OpenAI. In Today’s Blog: What exactly is AI?🤔 The marvels of ChatGpt and how it can assist you?🫂 Real-Time Examples📔 What exactly is AI🤖 Imagine a world🌍 where machines could think🤔, learn, and even outsmart us, humans. Fascinating, right?...

5 min · Achanandhi M

Unveiling the AWS Kingdom👑

Welcome,👋folks! I think every one of you heard about AWS(Amazon Web Services). In 2006, Amazon launched Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a way to provide cloud computing services to businesses🏢 and individuals. About Today Blog post: Overview of AWS. List of Services from AWS. Free Resources to learn AWS. Use Chatgpt for Learning. Overview of AWS AWS is one of the widely used cloud computing☁️ platforms. It offers a vast array of services that enable businesses, developers, and individuals to build🏗️ and deploy applications, store🫙 and manage data, and leverage powerful💪 computing resources on a pay-as-you-go💵 basis....

4 min · Achanandhi M

Taking Your Journey to New Heights✈️

Let’s Soar into the Cloud 🏃‍♂️ Welcome, all 😊 to this exciting journey into the world of cloud computing. In my previous⏮️blog, I explained what is cloud computing with some examples and its advantages. If you are new🆕to this blog, I strongly recommend seeing my ⏮️previous blog The Magic of the Cloud ☁️🪄 In the upcoming blog, We are about to explore one of the world’s leading cloud service providers☁️...

3 min · Achanandhi M