The quieter you become, the more you can hear - Baba Ram Dass

I think every one of us knows who Monk is, A monk is someone who has chosen to live a life of simplicity, self-discipline, and service to others, Now I have a question for all of you who are here, why should we think like a monk? just ask questions of your inner self, see if you want to know how to dominate on the basketball court, you might turn to Michael Jordan if you wanted to innovate, you might investigate Elon Musk, you might study Beyonce to learn how to perform , if you want to be master in an investment you might turn to Warren Buffet. But If you want to train your mind to find peace, calm, and purpose?
“Monks are the experts”.
First of all when I heard about the book “Think Like a Monk” I wondered “How could thinking like a monk help me here in the modern world”?

Thinking like a monk points to another way of viewing and approaching life. A way of rebellion, detachment, rediscovery, purpose, focus, discipline, and service. The goal of monk thinking is a life free of ego, envy, lust, anxiety, anger, bitterness, and baggage. To my mind, adopting the monk mindset isn’t just possible ; it’s necessary. We have no other choice. We need to find calm, stillness, and peace.

Monks come from all sorts of backgrounds. They’re people from all sorts of backgrounds who’ve chosen to transform themselves.
Matthieu Ricard -The world’s happiest man was a biologist in his former life.
Lord Mahavir who was the founder of Jainism was a former king.

Adopting a monk mindset is something that anyone can do. We don’t need to go to the ashram for practicing monk mind. The key is to adopt the right mindset.

I already suggested in my previous post for reading “Think Like a Monk” book for finding true purpose in our life and also the book explains the importance of meditation.
Stay tuned for more insights on Think Like a Monk and philosophical concepts. I’ll be sharing more soon!