Welcome back again🥳 , Cloud Computing☁️ is one of the leading cutting edge technology in the IT Industry🔥

Cloud Computing is all about renting IT resources, Let me explain with an example. If you’re going to start an IT company🏢, you need some resources like servers (for hosting your website) databases(for Storing data), and along with some stuff, but in the real-world🌎 purchasing IT resources can give a burden to the startup ecosystem and also to other company because of its establishment and maintenance charge.

Note: The IT resources may include storage, computing power, networking capabilities, and software services.

But for now, we can see examples related to servers, Servers are also considered IT resources.

The server is like our normal computer, we can also set up our normal computer as a server, but the disadvantage is that it cannot handle huge traffic⛔ because of this processing capability.

Note: The term Processing capability here refers to the processor(CPU)

Our normal computers🖥️ have a good amount of processing power which is foremost better for our day-to-day activity, but it is not suitable for large infrastructure.

To overcome this issue companies can buy and set up their own infrastructure with computers that have high processing capabilities referred to as servers(supercomputers). This supercomputer now handles huge traffic🦾. But Now also there is a problem 😲, wait this time the problem is related to money, Money??🤔. Yeah, the problem is related to money💰 because setting up large infrastructure needs a huge volume of investment.

Even though you have set up your infrastructure with a minimum of servers, the problem is not solved 🥲, you need to maintain your supercomputer with Electricity and another kind of stuff 24 x7 ⏳for running your businesses over the internet, if your supercomputer lost power or any other problems occur, your lost your connection with your client and soon your needs to purchase another server or your client needs to wait until the problem is solved.

Also Scaling 📈 is another problem with traditional infrastructure, say for example your company is popularized all over the country but your infrastructure setup is just meant for providing service to nearby cities, so your company is failed to provide service to people all over the country

The Above all problem is overcome by Cloud (it’s like magic🪄)

The cloud which I mentioned here is that we are not storing or accessing in the actual cloud, we normally use see it in the sky🤣

Instead, we are borrowing or renting the resources through the Internet with (pay as you go model)

This may leads to an questions like

  1. From whom we are buying?

  2. What does mean by pay as yo go model?

  3. How they can provide service to us?

  4. What companies are providing these kinds of services?

Before Answering all of the above questions let me explain with a simple example

I think everyone of you heard about OLA🚗, In ola we are not owning any vehicles for riding, Instead we are mainly facing on our trip, the OLA Platforms take care of all kinds of stuff like finding the shortest path, finding the nearby vehicles ,maintaining the vehicles, and providing salary for driver’s. we don’t have to worry about anything ,Just enjoy the trip that’s all.

The above example is the same for the cloud, The job of OLA in the above example is replaced in the context of the cloud by some of the cloud providers like AWS, GCP, AZURE, ALIBABA, IBM, ORACLE, and others.

The cloud providers maintain the server and other kinds of stuff for you , Is same as we see in the above example of how OLA maintains the riding platform for his customer

This really seems like magic🪄, yeah this magic, you don’t need to worry about your investment in servers and people for maintaining your infrastructure and electricity kinds of stuff. Instead, this can be done by your cloud provider, for providing this service you need to pay for the service, Likewise in OLA we pay for the service they provide, which This often referred to as (pay as you model), you paying for the resources what you’re using.

Oh my God😲, I forgot to say the advantage of cloud computing such as scalability, flexibility, cost saving, etc.

  • Scalability-Cloud computing provides the flexibility to easily scale your resources up or down based on your needs

  • Cost savings - Cloud computing allows you to save money by eliminating the need to invest in expensive hardware, infrastructure, and software upfront

  • Accessibility- With the cloud, you can access your data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection.

Cloud is everywhere, Everyone is using the cloud, and some of the cloud services which we are using in our day-to-day life are:

  • File storage and sharing : Google drive , Dropbox etc..

  • Email service : Gmail ,yahoo etc..

  • Social Media: platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  • Streaming Services: Popular streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video

  • Online Collaboration Tools: Cloud-based tools such as Google Docs, Microsoft Office 365

  • E-commerce Platforms: E-commerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Shopify

We have explored the fundamentals, advantages, and real-world examples of how the cloud is revolutionizing the IT industry. But this is just the beginning! Cloud computing is a vast and ever-evolving field with new developments and innovations emerging constantly. Stay tuned for upcoming blogs related to cloud computing. Last but not least, In my next blogs I have a surprise gifts for all of you 💯