Hi friends🙋‍♂️ welcome back to Blogs-with-Achu. We are going to start the AWS Learning series, we have already seen the Docker series and other Blogs related to Machine Learning and Local Stack. From this blog onwards we are focusing on AWS. This blog is for absolute beginners who are starting their AWS Journey. Don’t worry we are going to start from scratch.

Today’s quote

“Dream big. Start small. Act now.🌟”

- Robin Sharma

Today Blog Agenda:

  • Why AWS🤔

  • How to Start Learning AWS🤔

  • What’s next🌈🚀

  • Summary🏁

Why AWS🤔

I think Everyone knows about AWS, At least we have heard about AWS. AWS is the most widely used Cloud platform, and AWS has a huge market share in the industry, apart from AWS provides more services(200+) than other cloud providers. AWS provides services for all kinds of use cases from Compute to Blockchain, Quantum computing, Machine Learning, etc. From my perspective, if we learn AWS, we have great career options in the future. I think every company is moving from on-premises to Cloud. Learning Cloud is the best option.

How to Start Learning AWS🤔

Okay, Now you’re interested in learning AWS, but still confused about taking your first step in Learning AWS right? Don’t worry you are not alone, even I also had the same questions when I was starting to learn about AWS. Below are some of the questions that probably everyone has.

Question 1: I have zero knowledge of Cloud computing, is it easy to start learning AWS?

Answer: yes, you can, once you start learning AWS probably you will learn the concepts of cloud computing as well.

Question 2: I am from a non-technical background, is it possible for me to learn AWS?

Answer: yes, you can, Anyone can start learning AWS, One thing most important is you need interest and passion. If you are interested and passionate about AWS then the sky is the limit.

Question 3: Resources for Learning AWS?

Answer: There are many resources available for learning AWS, AWS also provides many resources like Skill builder platforms which provide 650+ free courses for learning AWS Services, also AWS provides a documentation section for working with AWS Services.

Question 4: How to get hands-on experience?

Answer: Many people often ask about getting hands-on experience with AWS because theory alone provides limited knowledge. Real understanding and practical use cases come from working with the services. While there are limited free options, the AWS Free Tier account is a great starting point. Additionally, AWS Cloud Quest, which is free and offers a game-based cloud challenge for cloud practitioners, can be both fun and educational. It’s one of the best ways to kick-start your journey with AWS.

Question 5. There are 200+ services, is it necessary to learn about those 200+ services?

Answer: From my perspective, is it not necessary to learn those 200+ services, You can learn if you are interested. There are 4 main pillars and the most commonly used services like _compu_te, Storage, Networking, and Databases. If you are a beginner who started learning AWS, you can just focus on those 4 pillars of services.

If you have any questions apart from those I mentioned, please free to mention them in the comment section.

What’s next🌈🚀

This blog is just an introduction to AWS, In the next blog, we will focus on the hands-on part, how to create an AWS free-tier account, how to create a virtual server, etc.

Summary 🏁

Let’s keep up the enthusiasm and explore the real power of AWS in our upcoming blog. See you in the next blog. Happy learning and happy reading! 📖


Achanandhi M👦